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System Dynamics News

Implementation of MoU System Dynamics Center with Postgraduate Program of Udayana University
On Saturday, June 8, 2024, the System Dynamics Center received a visit from Udayana University as a form of implementation
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Series Activity and MoUs, MoAs and Guest Lectures between the System Dynamics Center and the University of Jember
March 7 2023, the signing of the MoU, MoA and Guest Lecture was held between the System Dynamics Center and
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In House Training Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK)
Precisely on Wednesday - Saturday, October 12-15 2022, the System Dynamics Center held an In House Training on System Dynamics
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Webinar Metode Penelitian Kekinian Sistem Dinamik
Dr. Irman Firmansyah as Head of System Dynamics had the opportunity to be a resource person in the Webinar of
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Focus Group Discussion & Survey NTT
On February 10, 2022, a limited meeting was held between the expert team of the System Dynamics Center and Flobamor,
Read ArticleMoU Universities with SDC
Exclusive MoU With University For All Program in SDC
MoU for Laboratory & Research Center
Members of System Dynamics
System Dynamics Experts Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Pramudya, M.Eng
IPB University Indonesia

Dr. dr. Tri Edhi Boedi Soesilo
Lecturer University of Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Muhammad Tasrif, M.Eng
Senior Expert Institute of Technology Bandung

Dr. Irman Firmansyah, M.Si
Head of SDC

Dr. Ir Hartrisari Hardjomidjodjo, DEA
Lecturer MIT - Biotrop

Dr. Dra. Khursatul Munibah, MSc
Regional Planner - Spatial Dynamics Expert - IPB University

Dr. Casnan, S.Si, M.Si
Vice of Head SDC
Members Testimonial

Dr. Ir. Titien Setiyo Rini, MT
Lecturer - Surabaya Wijaya Kusuma University (UWKS)
"In this era, System Dynamics are needed to solve a complex problem. So that it can helps to design policies for future program and condition."

Ir. Dani Dwiyandana, MT
Doctoral Student - Parahyangan Catholic University
"SDC always provides scholarships, this is a positive program to support the researcher for design and develop research needed".
Scholarship System Dynamics Center

Leonarda Sofiani Rame, ST., M.Si
PSL - IPB University (Doctoral Student)
"Thank you for the scholarship from SDC which really helped me in completing my final project."

Yuniar Pratiwi, S.Si, M.Si
Universitas Sriwijaya (Doctoral Student)
"I would like to thank SDC for giving me a scholarship, so that it can help me in the preparation of my final project."

Neni Susilawati
Universitas Indonesia (Doctoral Student)
"Alhamdulillah, I am one of those selected to receive the training scholarship program from SDC and I am grateful to SDC for all the scholarship programs provided"

PSL-IPB University (Doctoral Student)
"I am very grateful and happy to be one of the scholarship recipients given by SDC."

Asep Anwan Nugraha, SP
PWL - IPB University (Magister Student)
"Increase my insight into system dynamics and can be applied to research"
SDC Location